Mari Galloway
University Alliance for Sustainability Student Research and Study Stay at University of British Columbia September - November 2015
Environmental Policy
As part of the University Alliance for Sustainability (UAS) program Mari Galloway was awarded the opportunity to undertake a three-month student research stay at the University of British Columbia. In order to develop her research project Mari will investigate and compare the influence of social marginalization variables on the perceptions and responses to climate change impacts on food systems in the community of Nanaimo, British Columbia. Since food sharing and community gardening initiatives in Nanaimo are similar to those existing in Berlin, the examination of their set up and management holds strong mutual learning potential. As such, the results of this study will speak to perceptions across stakeholders in regard to environmental justice and food systems, and hold educational merit for all communities working to create a more sustainable food system, whether in Canada, Germany or around the world.
A complete report is available here.