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UAS featured in Berlin-Beijing Learning Cities Map


Image Credit: Unit for Sustainability and Energy Management

CITYMAKERS China- Germany present the UAS in the Joint Action section

News from Feb 01, 2019

We were delighted to receive the Berlin-Beijing Learning Cities Map this week and are honoured to be featured as a University Alliance for Sustainability in the “Joint Actions” section. This section presents Sino-German projects that demonstrate good practices for livable urban development, to which we gladly belong.

The map was curated by CITYMAKERS China-Germany in 2018, providing an ongoing complementary representation of projects. CITYMAKERS China-Germany is an interdisciplinary network for livable cities, to strengthen the cross-sectoral exchange between German and Chinese citymakers, promote innovative ideas and projects, and increase their visibility.

Read more on the project here.

Or visit CITYMAKERS Facebook presence.

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