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“It’s all about the mindset”

The Toolbox Gender and Diversity in Teaching

The Toolbox Gender and Diversity in Teaching

The Toolbox Gender and Diversity in Teaching is now available in English.

News from Aug 10, 2017

Universities are places full of diverse people.

Addressing students of every origin, gender and life situation is the aim of diversity-sensitive teaching. The “Toolbox Gender and Diversity in Teaching” shall equip university lecturers for this task.

On the Toolbox website, one can find a comprehensive overview of ideas for a gender- and diversity-aware teaching. Apart from introductory texts and literature, recommendations for gender- and diversity-suitable language are presented.

The Toolbox-developers Kathleen Heft and Melanie Bittner from the Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum (FUB) encourage teaching personnel to use the provided Toolbox at every level of teaching. Regardless of age or working experience, the Toolbox can be a help to identify possible subconsciously rooted prejudices and generally offers inspiration for various teaching situations.

Why awareness for Gender and Diversity in teaching is so important is explained in this short video.

If you are curious to find out more about the Toolbox, please klick here.