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Opening Day: Israeli and Chinese Perspectives on Sustainable Development and the Role of HEIs

Prof. Eran Feitelson (HUJI) and Prof. Zhang Shiqui (PKU) contribute to the Opening Day

News from Mar 20, 2017

On the Opening Day on March 27, we delighted to announce contributions from our partner universities the Hebrew University and the Peking University. Prof. Eran Feitelson and Prof. Zhang Shiqiu will provide insights on the role of HEIs in sustainable development from Israeli and Chinese perspectives.

Eran Feitelson is Professor at the Department of Geography and School of Public and Head of Advanced School for Environmental Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He has extensive experience in supporting various planning teams in regards to aspects about open space, transportation and the environment and will provide a critical reflection in his talk on “Societal Shifts, Sustainability and the Role of Universities”.

Zhang Shiqiu is Professor at the College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering at Peking University. As a member of numerous advisory bodies and as senior expert member of the UNEP Technology and Economic Assessment Panel for implementing the Montreal Protocol, Prof. Zhang will share her experience on the role and impact of academic political consultation in her talk “Sustainable Development in China – the Role of Universities and Academic Consultation”.

Furthermore, both Professors will contribute in depth talks on their research in Workshop I: “Governing by Numbers – The Role of Indicators, Data and Empirical Evidence in the Political Transformation to Sustainability”. The Workshop is chaired by Prof. Philipp Lepenies (FUB) and Prof. Eran Feitelson (HUJI).

Information on further speakers as well as the complete program is available in our Spring Campus Guide.