Call for Contributions
Poster Session in the UAS Spring Campus Management Workshop: “Participation as Trigger for Committed University Communities”
News from Jan 25, 2017
The second UAS Spring Campus is not far off. From March 27-31 participants from all five UAS partner universities will come together in order to exchange ideas and expertise on how to trigger a sustainable transformation of society and what role higher education organizations play in this challenge.
The Management Workshop is one of five workshops and will adress the topic "Participation as Trigger for Committed University Communities". It shall serve as a platform to share experiences on the topic of participation in the university context. To this end we invite submissions for a poster session on best practice cases for Tuesday, March 28 from 2-4pm. The poster should address one of the following topics:
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Leadership & Organizational Learning
- Student Initiatives
As a first step we ask you to send a short description (1–3 pages) about your activities, which should include pioneering experiences or successful systematic approaches.
In a second step all selected contributors will be asked to present their project in a poster session during the Management Workshop.
Each activity or project should address the following questions:
- What was the level of participation implemented in your project (see e.g. this website)
- What were the advantages and disadvantages/challenges of using a participatory approach?
Proposals should be sent to the Program Manager Katrin Risch Risch ( by Monday, January 30. All selected contributors will be informed by beginning of February. Selected participants may apply for financial assistance (travel and accommodation costs).
Further information and a complete program of the Spring Campus 2017 will be available on the UAS website soon. Until then we invite you to browse the documentation of the 2016 event.
We look forward to receiving your contributions and hope to welcome you to the 2nd UAS Spring Campus in Berlin!