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Berlin Sustainability Talk by Nikolai Bobylev

Nikolai Bobylev

Nikolai Bobylev
Image Credit: UAS Team

In April, Nikolai Bobylev from St. Petersburg State University has participated the UAS Spring Campus at Freie Universität Berlin. Now he is revisiting our University with thoughts on use of urban underground spaces.

News from Nov 17, 2016

As part of the event series “Berlin Sustainability Talk”, organized by the Environmental Policy Research Center, UAS-fellow Nikolai Bobylev will hold a talk on “A Compact City: perspectives for High Density Use of the Urban Underground Space” the following Tuesday. The public Brown Bag Seminar is aiming to raise discussions about current research on environmental und sustainability policy analyses.

In April 2016, Nikolay Bobylev has held a presentation at the Spring Campus’ Opening Day, introducing specific traits and measures of St. Petersburg State University in fostering sustainability. Here you can find his presentation.

When: Wednesday, 23rd of Novermber, 12:00 – 13:15

Where: Environmental Policy Research Center, Ihnestr. 22, 14195 Berlin, Room 3.1c