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Initial Consultation

The Coordination Office for Research Integrity offers an initial consultation for all members of Freie Universität who have questions surrounding research ethics. Initial consultations offer a chance to highlight the ethical aspects that may be relevant for a specific research project. At the consultation you will be able to discuss the measures needed to address such concerns. You will also receive information on whether you will need any permits or ethics assessments before beginning work. If the research project under discussion raises particularly complex ethical questions, it may not be possible to answer these questions in one consultation. In cases such as these, the Coordination Office for Research Integrity will put you in touch with experts at Freie Universität who are better suited to meet your needs, for example, the Central Ethics Committee, the departmental ethics committees, or the offices responsible for data protection, export control, or animal welfare within the university. The Coordination Office for Research Integrity also provides a range of best practice examples and in-depth information on the subject of research ethics.