Sohag University
Sohag University started as a center of education in 1971. It became an independent university in 2006. Before 2006, it was part of another university (Assuit and South Valley University).
Since its inception in 2006, the university seeks to achieve distinct academic levels in higher education and scientific research through upgrading the performance and graduates of the university to the level of excellence and world competitive ability in close cooperation with other universities, institutions, and local, Arab and foreign authorities, accomplishing distinguished research and scientific studies as well as maximizing the university role in environment service and community development.
The total number of Sohag University students at present is approximately 59196 students (2011-2012) in addition to students of open learning programs. The university has about 1486 staff members as well as 5628 administrative staff. The university is not confined to enormous quantitative developments but it extends to include qualitative ones represented in the following perspectives:
- Teaching with focus on the student as the pivot of the learning process,
- Achieving maximum quality levels in course-designing and textbooks,
- Shifting into electronic publishing which keeps up with world technological and educational developments,
- Paying attention to students' cultural, social, educational and sporting activities,
- Deepening the concept of credit hours system so as to apply it,
- Developing post-graduate studies programs in the different university faculties and in scientific research to keep up with higher education enhancement projects, contributing to developing the community, solving its problems, maintaining its environment, and reinforcing its effective elements.
All these goals go hand in hand with the university's objectives to achieve qualitative development in the field of scientific research, its standards, and guidelines. It endeavors to achieve the best contribution and specialized academic achievements of its distinguished host of renowned scholars and researchers who are recognized at local, regional and world levels. It is also dedicated to serve society in cultural, economic, and health fields, etc. In this way, the university provides its surrounding society with specialized knowledge and consultation to contribute to the process of comprehensive development.