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FU-BEST 27: Bounded Sex? Gender, Sexuality and Identity in and beyond European borders

InstructorHannah Vögele
Credit Points6 ECTS


In this course we use historical, political and social sciences, filmic representations, news reports, essays, biographies and field trips to conduct our interdisciplinary investigation into Women’s and Gender Studies in European context. Our guiding approach seeks to find solidarity by understanding and embracing differences. Ultimately, our intersectional analysis of a multiplicity of subject positions, materialist histories and contemporary struggles reveal the overall instability of the sex/gender system and reasons for its longevity at the same time.
By the end of the semester, students will be able to:
1. Discuss gender and gender roles in a nuanced manner.
2. Formulate academic theses about some of the major social, medical, and political concerns facing women, nonbinary, transgender, transsexual and intersex people.
3. Discuss some of the historical and current issues related to gender politics in Germany.