German Language & Culture B1
Instructor: tba
Live Session: Tuesday 9 - 11 a.m. CET (Berlin time)
Duration: Feb. 15 - May 17, 2022
Language of Instruction: German
Contact Hours: 30
ECTS Credits: 6
Live Session: Tuesday 9 - 11 a.m. CET (Berlin time)
Duration: Feb. 15 - May 17, 2022
Language of Instruction: German
Contact Hours: 30
ECTS Credits: 6
This course is designed to strengthen and expand your communicative competences in listening, speaking, reading and writing, and to deepen your understanding of German-speaking cultures in the context of Berlin. With the help of the book Netzwerk B1 and additional material, which is primarily dealing with cultural and historical aspects of German(y), you will develop your individual language skills. One of the foci of the course is placed on Berlin and its surroundings. Therefore, you will increasingly work with authentic material in class.
- Download Syllabus B1 (English)
- Download Syllabus B1 (German)
- To find out more about our German courses, teaching concepts, and curriculum and to meet some of our instructors and former FU-BESTers, watch the "Introduction to the German Language Program" on our Tube channel.