4. Daily life in Berlin
What do I need to know, and where can I find up-to-date information?
Pandemic-related policies and regulations in Berlin may include: social distancing rules, wearing masks in public places (shops, public transportation, museums, etc.), personal hygiene, and so forth. Here are useful websites for up-to-date information: https://www.berlin.de/en/.
Full information regarding official regulations can be found here:
https://www.berlin.de/corona/en/measures/directive/ and
Please note that so-called (antigen) Schnelltests/Bürgertests is no longer cost-free. This implies that any such costs would not be borne by the program but by the participant him- or herself. Also note that the pandemic may still cause restrictions with respect to events and activities involving larger groups of people, such as sports games, concerts, club life, etc. Access to various cultural activities and events could be curtailed, restricted, regulated via online tickets only, etc.; restrictions may include access only for individuals who are fully vaccinated or who have fully recovered from a corona-infection. The program expects all staff and participants to act responsibly and in accordance with clearly announced regulations and policies with respect to the pandemic, both on- and off-campus.
What are some of the general rules of conduct & hygiene, and mask mandate?
Currently, all residents of Berlin must follow general rules of conduct and hygiene. If possible and reasonable to do so, a minimum distance of 1.5 meters is to be maintained from all persons who do not belong to your own household. Persons over the age of 15 have to wear a so-called FFP2 mask where mandated (e.g. public transportation, inside campus buildings etc.). FFP2 masks and KN95 masks are generally indistinguishable. For your arrival at the airport and your first rides via taxi and/or public transportation, a KN95 mask will suffice but you should definitely obtain some FFP2 masks. They are readily available at every grocery store and pharmacy (albeit more expensive at the latter).
Please keep in mind that surgical/medical masks (“OP-Masken”) are essentially redundant. If a mask is mandated, it's usually a FFP2 mask.