6. Program adjustments, if needed
How will the program be adjusted for me if pandemic-related developments (such as quarantine) prevent me from attending class?
Should this scenario materialize, the program will ensure that the affected participant can continue his/her coursework and studies in order to complete the full semester, including the use of online resources if feasible. The program is under no obligation, however, to provide either a laptop or PC or to arrange internet access (the latter is particularly important for students opting to set up their own accommodation).
How will the program be adjusted in case of a renewed lockdown?
If pandemic-related developments, such as a renewed lockdown, impact the program in its entirety, arrangements will be made for all students to complete the semester via online instruction. The program will make every effort to enable participants to remain in Berlin and complete the semester successfully on-site, most likely via online instruction (but note the answer to the previous question here as well). If the situation necessitates students’ departure from Berlin, FU-BEST will render logistical and organizational assistance where possible.