Dr. Lula Romero
12249 Berlin
Dr. Lula Romero is a composer of electroacoustic and acoustic music. She holds a doctoral degree from the University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz, Austria, a Master's degree in Composition from the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, the Netherlands, and degrees in Composition, Piano, and Art History from the University of Sevilla in Spain. In her compositional work, she explores the phenomenon of space in music with regard to structure and material and its relation to theories and practices of feminism and questions of social equality. Dr. Romero has been awarded among others the GIGA-HERTZ Production prize 2014 by the ZKM | SWR, the Berlin–Rheinsberger Kompositionspreis 2011, and Residence at the Deutsches Studienzentrum Venedig (Venice) 2017 by the German Government. In 2019 her CD “Ins Offene” was published by WERGO, “Edition Zeitgenössische Musik.” Her music has been commissioned and performed by festivals such as Donaueschinger Musiktage (Germany), MATA (New York), SPOR (Aarhus), Mixtur (Barcelona) and the Sonification Festival (Berlin). Her professional website is www.lularomero.com.