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Jan Thomas Köhler

Jan Thomas Köhler


Malteserstraße 74-100, Haus S
12249 Berlin

Jan Thomas Köhler (M.A.) studied History of Art, History and Classical Archaeology at Freie Unversität Berlin. He is a specialist on the history of 20th-century architecture and provenience research, particularly
on the tracing and return of Nazi-confiscated art, especially Jewish property (Nazi-looted art). Starting in 2003 he worked for the heirs of the Dutch art dealer Jacques Goudstikker, who was persecuted as Jew by Nazi authorities and died during the war, as well as for the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg. He published a monograph on the building history of the former women’s concentration camp Ravensbrück (2000). In 1996 he served as curator and author of „Berliner Lebenswelten der zwanziger Jahre – Bilder einer untergegangenen Kultur – photographiert von Marta Huth“ at the bauhaus archiv berlin. He was also one of the curators for the exhibition „Moskau – Berlin / Berlin – Moskau“ (1995). A further study, „Der Preußische Landtag. Bau und Geschichte,“ about the building history of the former Prussian parliament building, now used as the Berlin Municipal Parliament (Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin), was published in 1993.