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The Research Data Management Team is and has been involved in various externally funded projects that, among other things, develop and expand specific aspects of research data management in collaboration with regional partners:

Ongoing projects


Collaboratively Advancing Research Data Support
Project duration: 05/24 – 10/26


Strengthening the framework conditions for cultural change and a cross-institutional service landscape
Project duration: 07/24 - 06/27


Participation in the historical consortium of the National Research Data Infrastructure
Project duration: 2023 - 2028


Towards a Cultural Change in Earth System Science Research Data Management
Project duration: 01/22 - 09/26

NFDI-Project "ASR4Memory"

Automated transcription of audiovisual research data
Project duration: 01/24 - 12/24

Data Competence Centre QUADRIGA

Berlin-Brandenburg Data Competence Centre for Digital Humanities, Administrative Science, Computer Science and Information Science
Project duration: 11/23 - 11/26

Completed projects


Concept Development for Collaborative Research Data Management Services
Project duration: 03/21 – 06/23


Erarbeitung generalisierbarer Strategien und Lösungen für das Forschungsdatenmanagement unter Einbeziehung bestehender Expertise an universitären Zentraleinrichtungen
Project duration: 05/17 - 04/19


Further development of research data practice: tools for quality development for service institutions in cooperation with departments and research networks
Project duration: 2020 - 2023


Aufbau und Erprobung von Strategien zum Forschungsdatenmanagement mit dem Schwerpunkt von Forschungsdaten in nicht-westlichen Sprachen, insbesondere aus dem Ostasiatischen Raum und dem Vorderen Orient
Project duration: 04/17 - 09/18