Survey of Former Students (withdrawal / change of program before completion), 2014
Dear former students,
You withdrew from your degree program at Freie Universität Berlin or changed the (core) subject of your studies. There are many reasons for this – we would like to know what your expectations were when you started your degree program at Freie Universität Berlin, and what your reasons for not continuing were.
You can use the access code (token) that has been sent to you to fill out the survey here:
You can choose "English" or "Deutsch" after entering the login code. The survey should not take more than 15–20 minutes.
Participation in the survey is voluntary and anonymous. Your information will be handled with absolute confidentiality, and the results will be analyzed and published in accordance with the rules and regulations on data protection and privacy in such a way that it is impossible to identify individuals. For further information on data protection and privacy, click here.
Tombola: Four tablet PCs will be raffled off among participants as our way of saying thank you for taking part in the survey!