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Topics and fields of competence

Dahlem Research School offers an extensive workshop program that is open to doctoral researchers from the partner institutions of the Berlin University Alliance.* The workshops are assigned to different categories:

Getting started: workshops, for doctoral researchers at the beginning of their doctorate, to start the doctoral project in a prepared and structured way.

Writing & Publishing: support to structure the writing process more clearly, to solve writing blocks and to strengthen publishing skills

Speaking & Presenting: intensive preparation with regard to one's own presentation skills, dealing with queries and the visualization of content, e.g. on posters

Research Integrity: courses that prepare students for the principles of good scientific practice and ethical responsibility in research.

Mental Health: strategies to strengthen (mental) stamina and resilience in crisis situations.

Mini-Workshops: Short events that are offered repeatedly, especially as a supplement to the DRS podcasts.

Funding & Managing Research: Workshops to support students in organizing and structuring their doctoral studies, writing proposals, and preparing for the disputation, among other things.

Career Development: Support in clarifying career goals, the opportunities offered by the job market, and planning steps in application management.

*Doctoral researchers from the member institutions of the Berlin University Alliance (Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, and Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin) can attend courses and workshops at Dahlem Research School free of charge. Postdocs are also allowed to participate if places are vacant. Doctoral researchers at the University of Potsdam can attend workshops on good scientific practice free of charge.