The Elsa Neumann Scholarship
The Elsa-Neumann-Scholarship provides funding for doctoral researchers at the four Berlin universities. Scholarships can be awarded either as full scholarships to prepare a doctoral thesis (up to 36 months) or as completion scholarships for advanced doctoral research projects (maximum 12 months).
To have a chance of success, an applicant's academic performance must be far above average, which is usually demonstrated by the final grade of their university degree(s). The doctoral project must be expected to make an important contribution to the candidate's field of research. Applicants are only eligible for an Elsa Neumann scholarship if they have not yet received public funding for their doctoral project.
Applications for the 80th selection round are possible until April 16, 12 noon. Please only apply online. Information on the application process can be found here. The earliest possible start of funding is October 1, 2025.
Hittorfstr. 16
14195 Berlin
Telephone hours:
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 am - 1pm (MEZ)
+49 (0)30 838 - 50447 (Ms Daseking)
+49 (0)30 838 - 52877 (Ms Shrom)
+49 (0)30 838 - 55764 (Ms Schumann)
Selection Committee
Scholarship decisions are made by the inter-university Committee for the Allocation of Doctoral Grants (Kommission zur Vergabe von Promotionsstipendien), whose members are appointed by the Senator responsible for Higher Education in Berlin.