Cycling in Berlin
Berlin is ideal for cycling. Nearly all big streets are featured with a bicycle lane. There are also lots of nice bicycle paths along the many waterways in the city and on the outskirts. But caution is needed especially on streets without bicycle lanes and in the dark. Reflectors and helmets are recommended. Generally, it is possible to take your bike with you in the subway and the regional trains. Please note that you have to buy an extra ticket for your bike.
For second-hand bicycles the second-hand magazine Zweite Hand or online platforms such as the Berlin Craiglist are good for starts. Many bike shops also offer second-hand bikes.
Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club (ADFC)
The German bicycle club in Berlin provides information about cycling, travel guides and route descriptions, maps, tours, and equipment. You can find a wide selection of maps and travel guides at Berlin's many bookstores.