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Job Offers for Student Assistants

Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie
Institut für Chemie und Biochemie
Applied Physical Chemistry / AG Christina Roth

student assistant (41 MoStd.)
limited till the end of the project (31.05.2020)
reference code: DegraBat


Job description:

English Version: We are looking for a student assistant to help with the following activities:Electrolyte analytics for VRFB; Establish and maintain a setup for electrolyte analytics; Modification of carbon electrodes with metal particles; Characterization and electrochemical evaluation of modified carbon electrodes; Long term measurements in battery tester.


Desired qualification & experiences: Bachelor's degree in chemistry; Very good electrochemical knowledge; Practical experience with three-electrode electrochemical measurements, especially with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), voltammetry; Experience with the (electrochemical) synthesis of nanostructured metal electrodes; Experience with execution and evaluation of CV, LSV EIS; Experience with the execution and evaluation potentiometric titrations and UV-Vis spectroscopy; Good knowledge of English.

For more information please contact Mr. Jonathan Schneider (jonathan.schneider@fu-berlin.de / 838-65297).

All applications quotiung the reference code should be addressed no later than October 1st, 2018as an e-mail to: julija.djordjevic@fu-berlin.de oby letter to

Freie Universität Berlin
Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie
Applied Physical Chemistry
Frau Prof. Dr. Christina Roth
Takustr. 3
14195 Berlin (Dahlem)

In case of equal qualifications, individuals with a disability will be given preference. Women are explicitly encouraged to apply. We welcome applications from people with a migration background who meet the recruitment requirements.
We regret that interview costs cannot be covered by Freie Universität Berlin. Applications will not be returned; please submit only copies of your documents.

Published by the President's Office of Freie Universität Berlin
Edited by Div. II A 2 - Personnel Management