Topics in April
Calculating Sustainable Solutions
Shaping the ecological turnaround: Mathematician Sarah Wolf analyzes agent-based modeling for sustainability issues.
Deciphering the Stories behind Art
Religion and literature are the key to understanding Islamic art, says distinguished art historian
How Global is the “Global Village”?
The internet as a worldwide public sphere? Not so fast, says a new study
Image Credits
The language of math: Working in the field of mathematics, Sarah Wolf tackles issues in ecology and provides clear-cut definitions.
Image Credit: Jan-Hendrik Niemann
Wendy Shaw, a professor of art history at Freie Universität, is calling for a new way of perceiving “Islamic art.”
Image Credit: Bernd Wannenmacher
A message for God: Student Alon Nir adds news tweets to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem (September 2011).
Image Credit: picture alliance