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Topics in December

Dec 16, 2010

Products for People like Us

Convenient, easily removable bicycle lights are one of the new products.

The Funpreneur competition organized by profund, the start-up assistance organization of Freie Universität Berlin, offers new products for young people.

It costs just five euros to enter: In the Funpreneur competition, students use small amounts of start-up capital to pursue business ideas, especially those that are supposed to appeal to their peers. Many of the 17 teams that have entered the Funpreneur competition organized during the winter semester aim to win over young people, especially, as customers.

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Math Avoiders, Check This Out!

Scientists from 12 European countries participating in the project are aiming to convey that numbers are fun.

For soccer legend Sepp Herberger, there was no doubt about it: “The ball is round,” the former trainer for the German national team told fans. But is it really round?

At www.mathematics-in-europe.eu soccer fans with a soft spot for math learn the true shape of a FIFA-approved ball – and even more amazing and worthwhile facts from the world of numbers.

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Amusement at Court and in Rear Courtyards

The revue "The Night of Berlin" was performed in 1911 in the Metropolitan Theatre, Behrenstraße, now the location of the Komische Oper.

Researchers at the Friedrich Meinecke Institute of History study how residents of Berlin celebrated around 1900

Movies, dance, and theatre – the cultural metropolis of Berlin that we know today got its start about 100 years ago: As industrialization progressed, people streamed into the city from Germany and elsewhere, looking for work – and play. Where and how people celebrated in Berlin around 1900, and what people did for amusement in London or New York, is the subject of research by a group at the Friedrich Meinecke Institute of History at Freie Universität Berlin.

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