Symposium: “Revisiting Collections”
Ways of Communicating Art in a Digitalized World at Einstein Center Digital Future on June 4 and 5, 2019
№ 156/2019 from May 31, 2019
On June 4 and 5, a symposium at the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) will focus on new strategies for communicating art and culture in a digitalized world. At the two-day event, “Revisiting Collections,” the attendees will critically question the significance of the digital for access to art and culture in all its facets and from a global perspective. They will discuss the structure and accessibility of digital collections, as well as, for example, the digital visualization possibilities of provenance chains. They will also examine performative aspects of the digital. The symposium is interdisciplinary and international and by invitation. The attendees will be scholars, artists and experts from museums. Due to the limited number of places, participation on site is currently not possible, but a live stream of the lectures is being offered. Media representatives should contact Yvonne Zindel:
The symposium was initiated by Prof. Dr. Annette Jael Lehmann, a professor of visual culture and theater at Freie Universität Berlin and a principal investigator at the Einstein Center Digital Future. It aims to consider the relevance of the digital for current issues and application-related formats in the communication of art and culture from a global perspective. This field of research studies representation criticism and postcolonial topics. There is strong overlap with critical museology and museum sciences and an attempt to develop an independent positioning in the area of digitalization.
The event organizer and content curator is Yvonne Zindel from the Berlin University of the Arts. The symposium is being sponsored by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Commission for Artistic and Academic Projects (KKWV) at the Berlin University of the Arts. It is being held in cooperation between Freie Universität Berlin (Institute of Theater Studies) and the Berlin University of the Arts (Institute for Art in Context).
Further Information
Live Stream
During the event via the Youtube channel of Freie Universität:
Day 1
Day 2
Event Website and Program
Dr. Nina Diezemann, Office of News and Public Affairs, Freie Universität Berlin, Tel.: +4930 838-73190, Email: