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Between Mathematics, Logic, and Philosophy

Workshop on Mathematician Kurt Gödel on February 27 at the Institute of Computer Science at Freie Universität Berlin

№ 039/2019 from Feb 15, 2019

A workshop to be held on February 27 at Freie Universität Berlin will focus on the philosophical views of the Austrian mathematician Kurt Gödel (1906–1978). Kurt Gödel is regarded as one of the most influential logicians of the 20th century, in particular because of his fundamental contributions to the limits of formal logic in mathematics. His work at the interface of other fields such as philosophy and physics is less well known. The workshop is being organized by computer scientist Prof. Dr. Christoph Benzmüller at Freie Universität. The workshop will be held in English and is public. Admission is free.

The aim of the workshop is to provide a forum for scientists to discuss previously unexplored aspects in Kurt Gödel’s works at the interface of mathematics, physics, and philosophy.

Experts have still not exhaustively explored, discussed, and conclusively assessed all of Gödel’s visionary ideas. This applies, for example, to his so-called “maxims philosophy,” his metaphysical and theistic views, and his concept of causality. There are also open questions about his unpublished works. As part of a current research project devoted to Gödel’s unpublished works, researchers have been able to re-interpret his incompleteness theorem.

The workshop is being supported by the Kurt Gödel Freundeskreis Berlin, the MATH+ Cluster of Excellence of Freie Universität, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin, the Institute of Computer Science at Freie Universität, and the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Further Information



Time and Location

  • February 27, 2019, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Freie Universität Berlin, Institute of Computer Science, Room SR 006, Takustraße 9, 14195 Berlin (subway station: Dahlem-Dorf, U3)


Prof. Dr. Christoph Benzmüller, Dahlem Center for Machine Learning and Robotics, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Tel.: + 49 30 838-52485, Email: c.benzmueller@fu-berlin.de