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70 Years of Freie Universität – Time to Celebrate!

Lecture Series on Academic Freedom / Wanted: More International Alumni Memories!!

Jun 26, 2018

Desk, bed, bookcase – a student’s room at Studentendorf Schlachtensee (dormitory) 1960 and today.

Desk, bed, bookcase – a student’s room at Studentendorf Schlachtensee (dormitory) 1960 and today.
Image Credit: Reinhard Friedrich, Universitätsarchiv der Freien Universität Berlin / Phil Dera

This year we are reflecting on the founding of Freie Universität in December 1948 and the many changes the university has undergone since then. How has the campus changed? Plus: Do you have memories from your time at Freie Universität?

Campus views

A photo gallery on the anniversary website shows some buildings and campus views from then and now.

Do you have memories from your time at Freie Universität?

This anniversary is intended as an opportunity to bring members of the university from all generations together to share their experiences. It all starts with the “Faces of Freie Universität” campaign, which gives voice to students, instructors, employees, and alumni. Do you have something to tell about your time at Freie Universität? Let us know at our website “Faces of Freie Universität”.

Lecture Series

Freie Universität is organizing in 2018 the lecture series “Veritas, Justitia, Libertas – Contures of a Value-oriented University of the Future.” The next event of the series will be held on June 28, 2018, at 4:15 p.m., when Joybrato Mukherjee will give a lecture on the limits of internationalization. Mukherjee, who is an English studies scholar, is the president of Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen. Since 2012 he has been the vice president of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). In his English-language lecture on “The Limits of Internationalization.”

Former speakers included Sari Hanafi, a professor of sociology at the American University of Beirut in Lebanon, Professor Amit Prakash from Jawarharlal Nehru University in India, and the journalist and former director of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Kent, U.K., Professor Joanna Williams (June 6, 2018); Georg Krücken, a professor of sociology and higher education research at the University of Kassel and Professor Anita Traninger from Freie Universität Berlin (May 16, 2018).