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Visit of the Shanghai International Studies University

May 10, 2024

During a journey to several partner universities in the UK and Germany, the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) visited Freie Universität Berlin on May 3rd, 2024. Since the student exchange agreement between the two universities was just signed in October 2023, there were several things left to be discussed before the first cohort of four exchange students from law, German literature and communication and media studies arrives at Freie Universität Berlin in fall. Next to the student exchange, PhD students will also be supervised from both sides, first a SISU doctoral student with Prof. Hajo Funke.

The meeting between the new administration officer of SISU, Prof. Yin Dongmei, and president Ziegler took place in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere because the researchers on both sides of the exchange have in some cases been collaborating for years already and know and value each other. Since SISU specialises in language studies, they promise the China studies students of Freie Universität Berlin an intensive learning experience on the SISU Campus in Shanghai.