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1. Non-Disclosure Agreement

A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) or a Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement (CDA) serves to protect research findings that have not yet been published, especially before filling a patent application. It also helps secure trade secrets of research partners of the Freie Universität Berlin, especially those of corporate partners.

Necessary information for a draft contract:

  • name and contact details of the partner
  • short description of the communicated information
  • short description of the purpose of the information exchange

Non-Disclosure Agreements can be issued both in German and English.

For detailed information click here (available only through Intranet)

Contact: Team of Legal Affairs in Research & Transfer
  • Non-Disclosure Agreements related to study visits of students at external institutions / companies or related to examination purposes will be examined by the legal department of FU Berlin (Rechtsamt).