Bodies Representing Specific Interests
There are various bodies at Freie Universität that represent the interests of specific groups by participating in collective decisions.
The employee representatives (Personalvertretungen) of Freie Universität are the elected bodies that represent the interests of the university’s employees. There is also a representative body for employees with disabilities (Schwerbehindertenvertretung) in Dahlem and a local representative (the Bereichsvertrauensperson) for the Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum.
The Chief Gender Equality Officer (zentrale Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte) ensures that women enjoy equal opportunity at the university. She advises and supports the management of Freie Universität and other bodies and institutions at the university on all matters concerning women.
The Data Security Officers (Datenschutzbeauftragte) are responsible for safeguarding the rights of all status groups at Freie Universität to make their own decisions regarding disclosure of their information.
An Animal Welfare Representative (Tierschutzbeauftragte) at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin ensures that all rules, regulations, and conditions that have been imposed are complied with in the interests of animal welfare.
There is also a union of the student body at Freie Universität, theVerfasste Studierendenschaft. Each year, this union elects the Student Parliament (Studierendenparlament, or StuPa). The Student Parliament in turn elects the members of the Student Body Council (Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss, AStA), which consists of individual units (Referate). The Student Parliament elects representatives for each unit.
The Advocate for Students with Disabilities (Beauftragte für behinderte Studierende) at the university serves as a point of contact with regard to accommodating the needs of students with disabilities and chronic health conditions in courses, exams, and internships.