WiSe 16/17  
School of Busin...  
Bachelor's prog...  

WiSe 16/17: Bachelor's Programmes

Bachelor's programme in Business Administration (as of winter semester 2012/13)

    • Strategisches Management (Strategic Management) 0170aB1.1
    • Unternehmenskooperation (Business Cooperation) 0170aB1.2
    • Organisation: Structures and processes (Organisation: Structures and Processes) 0170aB2.1
    • Fundamentals of Employment Relations 0170aB2.2
    • International Management (International Management) 0170bB1.3
    • Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility 0170bB1.4
    • Forschungsseminar Management (Research Seminar: Management) 0170bB14.1
    • Strategy and Cooperation: Selected Topics 0170cB1.5
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Subjects A - Z