WiSe 21/22  
Education and P...  
General Studies...  

WiSe 21/22: Teacher Education

General Studies in Combination with Natural Sciences: Specialization

  • Fundamentals of Biology: Zoology and Human Biology

    Die Verteilung der Plätze erfolgt über das Studienbüro der Grundschulpädagogik.

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    Module with no course offerings
    • Introductory Module: General Studies 0432bA1.1
    • Advanced Module: General Studies 0432bA1.2
    • Specialization Module: General Studies 0432bA1.3
    • Fundamentals of Biology: Botany and Ecology 0434bA1.5
    • Fundamentals of Chemistry 0434bA1.6
    • Fundamentals of Physics 0434bA1.7
    • Special Topics in Natural Sciences 0435bA1.8
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