SoSe 16  
Education and P...  
M.Sc. in Psycho...  

SoSe 16: Psychology

M.Sc. in Psychology - Industrial, Organisational, and Business Psychology (2013)

  • Module 2: Applied Psychological Assessment

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    Module with no course offerings
    • Module 1: Research Methods 0379cA1.1
    • Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology 0379cA1.3
    • Social, Organizational, and Economic Psychology: Research Workshop 0372cA2.1
    • Social, Organizational, and Economic Psychology: Practical Applications and Internship 0372cA2.2
    • Personnel Psychology 0372cA3.1
    • Organizational Psychology: Research Specialization 0372cA3.2
    • Social and Economic Psychology: Research Specialization 0372cA3.3
    • Psychological Assessment and Personality Psychology: Research Topics 0379cA3.5
    • Specific Methods in Psychological Research 0379cA3.6
    • Decision Neuroscience 0379cA3.7
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