SoSe 18: Political and Social Sciences
Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science
- Social Studies (module offering for teacher education - 2004 study regulations) 0026a_m60
- Social Studies (module offering for teacher education - 2012 study regulations) 0026b_m60
- Module offering Political Science 60 cp (2006 study regulations) 0173a_m60
- Module offering Political Science 60 cp (2012 study regulations) 0173b_m60
- Module offering Political Science 60 cp (2016 study regulations) 0173c_m60
- Module offering Political Science 60 cp (2019 study regulations) 0173d_m60
- Module offering Political Science 30 cp (2006 study regulations) 0174a_m30
- Political Science for Teacher Training 0487a_m60
- Political Science for Teacher Training 0487b_m60
- Environmental Policy Planing (Studienordnung 2013) 0012a_MA120
- Environmental Policy Planing (Studienordnung 2015) 0012b_MA120
- Political Science (2007) 0257a_MA120
- Political Science (2013) 0257b_MA120
- Politikwissenschaft 0257c_MA120
- Politikwissenschaft - Affaires européennes/Affaireaires internationales 0345b_MA120
- Affaires Internationales / Affaires Européennes 0345c_MA120
- Doppelmasterstudiengang Public Policy & Management (Studienordnung 2013) 0364b_MA120
- Public Policy and Management 0364c_MA120
- Gender, Intersectionality, and Politics 0587a_MA120
Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science
Institute of Sociology
Institute of Media and Communication Studies
- Core subject Media and Communication Studies (2006 study regulations) 0169a_k90
- Core subject Media and Communication Studies (2010 study regulations) 0169b_k90
- Core subject Media and Communication Studies (2013 study regulations) 0169c_k90
- Kernfach Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (Studienordnung 2024) 0169d_k90
- 60 CP Module offering in Media and Communication Studies (2006 study regulations) 0120a_m60
- 60 CP Module offering in Media and Communication Studies (2010 study regulations) 0120b_m60
- 60 CP Module offering in Media and Communication Studies (2013 study regulations) 0120c_m60
- 60 LP-Modulangebot Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (Studienordnung 2024) 0120d_m60
- 30 cp Module offering in Media and Communication Studies 0123a_m30
- Global Communication 0103a_MA120
- Media and Political Communication (2008 study regulations) 0337a_MA120
- Media and Political Communication (2011 study regulations) 0337b_MA120
- Media and Political Communication (2017 study regulations) 0337c_MA120
- Media and Communication Studies 0528a_MA120
- Digital Media and Technology 0529a_MA120
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Core subject Social and Cultural Anthropology (2005 study regulations) 0108a_k90
- Core subject Social and Cultural Anthropology (2007 study regulations) 0108b_k90
- Core subject Social and Cultural Anthropology (2013 study regulations) 0108c_k90
- Core subject Social and Cultural Anthropology (2018 study regulations) 0108d_k90
- Module offering Social and Cultural Anthropology (2005 study regulations) 0109a_m60
- Module offering Social and Cultural Anthropology (2007 study regulations) 0109b_m60
- Module offering Social and Cultural Anthropology (2013 study regulations) 0109c_m60
- Module offering Social and Cultural Anthropology (2018 study regulations) 0109d_m60