SoSe 24: History and Cultural Studies
Einführungs- und Orientierungsstudium
Das Lehrangebot für das Einführungs- und Orientierungsstudium " EinS@FU" finden Sie unter dem Menüpunkt " Weitere Angebote ". Bitte beachten Sie, dass das Lehrangebot derzeit noch in Bearbeitung ist.
History (Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut)
For the latest information on introductory dates, please visit:
Studentische Studienfachberatung:Anne Rinke (Kontakt)
Studentische Studienfachberatung Lehramt:
Clemens Bertram (Kontakt)
Prof. Dr. Daniela Hacke (Kontakt) und Prof. Dr. Alexander Schunka (Kontakt)
BA/MoE-Beauftragter Lehramt:
Prof. Dr. Martin Lücke (Kontakt)
MA-Beauftragter Geschichtswissenschaft:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Ertl (Kontakt)
MA-Beauftragte Global History:
Dr. Minu Haschemi Yekani (Kontakt)
MA-Beauftragter Public History:
Prof. Dr. Paul Nolte (Kontakt)
Nähere Infos finden Sie unter: Tutoring Homepage
- B.A. in History (2006 study regulations) 0008b_k90
- B.A. History (2012 study regulations) 0008c_k90
- B.A. History (2015 study regulations) 0008d_k90
- B.A. History (2020 study regulations) 0008e_k90
- History (60 cp module offering, 2006 study regulat 0009b_m60
- 60 cp History (2012 study regulations) 0009c_m60
- 60 cp History (2015 study regulations) 0009d_m60
- 60 cp History (2020 study regulat 0009e_m60
- History (30 cp module offering, 2006 study regulat 0010b_m30
- 30 cp History (2012 study regulations)ions) 0010c_m30
- 30 cp History (2015 study regulations)ions) 0010d_m30
- 30 cp History (2020 study regulations) 0010e_m30
- Additional teaching offer BA History E166x
- Ancient History 0263a_MA120
- Ancient History 0263b_MA120
- Medieval History 0265a_MA120
- History (Focus: Middle Ages) 0265b_MA120
- History of Early Modern Times 0266a_MA120
- History (Focus: Early Modern Period) 0266b_MA120
- History of the 19th and 20th century 0267a_MA120
- History (Focus: 19th and 20th Century) 0267b_MA120
Institute of Art History
Studienfachberatung SP Europa und Amerika
Prof. Dr. Christian Freigang, Dr. Christiane Beese, Dr. Britta Dümpelmann (Kontakt)
Dr. Maximilian Benker (Kontakt)
Studienfachberatung SP Ostasien
BA-/ und MA-Beauftragte:Prof. Dr. Juliane Noth (Kontakt)
Studienfachberatung SP Afrika
stellv. BA-/MA-Beauftragte/r:
Dr. Katharina Jörder (Kontakt)
For the latest information on introductory dates, please visit:
- B.A. in Art History 0114b_k90
- B.A. Art History (2013 study regulations) 0114c_k90
- B.A. Art History (2024 study regulations) 0114d_k90
- Art History 60 cp 0115b_m60
- 60 cp Art History (2013 study regulations) 0115c_m60
- 60 cp Art History (2024 study regulations) 0115d_m60
- Art History 30 cp 0116b_m30
- 30 cp Art History (2013 study regulations) 0116c_m30
- 30 cp Art History (2024 study regulations) 0116d_m30
- Additional teaching offer BA Art History E16s
- B.A. in African Art History 0375a_k90
- B.A. Art History (Focus: Africa) (2013 study regulations) 0375b_k90
- B.A. Art History (Focus: Africa) (2024 study regulations) 0375c_k90
- African Art History 60 cp 0376a_m60
- 60 cp Art History (Focus: Africa) (2013 study regulations) 0376b_m60
- 60 cp Art History (Focus: Africa) (2024 study regulations) 0376c_m60
- African Art History 30 cp 0377a_m30
- 30 cp Art History (Focus: Africa) (2013 study regulations) 0377b_m30
- 30 cp Art History (Focus: Africa) (2024 study regulations) 0377c_m30
- Additional teaching offer BA Art History (Africa) E166l
- East Asian Art History 30 cp 0118b_m30
- 30 cp Art History (Focus: East Asia) 0118c_m30
- 30 cp Art History (Focus: East Asia)(2024 study regulations) 0118d_m30
- B.A. in East Asian Art History 0293a_k90
- B.A. Art History (Focus: East Asia) (2013 study regulations) 0293b_k90
- B.A. Art History (Focus: East Asia) (2024 study regulations) 0293c_k90
- Additional teaching offer BA Art History (East Asia) E166m
- Europe and America 0346a_MA120
- M.A. Art History (Focus: Europe and America) (2012 study regulations) 0346b_MA120
- M.A. Art History (Focus: Europe and America) (2021 study regulations) 0346c_MA120
- East Asia 0347a_MA120
- M.A. Art History (Focus: East Asia) (2012 study regulations) 0347b_MA120
- M.A. Art History (Focus: East Asia) (2021 study regulations) 0347c_MA120
- South Asia 0348a_MA120
- Africa 0378a_MA120
- M.A. Art History (Focus: Africa) (2012 study regulations) 0378b_MA120
- M.A. Art History (Focus: Africa) (2021 study regulations) 0378c_MA120
- Additional teaching offer MA Art History E16t
Studies in Ancient Civilisations and Religious Studies (WE 3)
For the latest information on introductory dates, please visit:
Studienfachberatung BA
BA-Beauftragter Ägyptologie:Prof. Dr. Sebastian Richter (Kontakt)
BA-Beauftragter Altorientalistik:
Prof. Dr. Jörg Klinger (Kontakt)
BA-Beauftragte Klassische Archäologie:
Prof. Dr. Johanna Fabricius (Kontakt)
BA-Beauftragter Prähistorische Archäologie:
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Schier (Kontakt)
BA-Beauftragter Vorderasiatische Archäologie:
Prof. Dr. Dominik Bonatz (Kontakt)
Studienfachberatung MA
MA-Beauftragter Ägyptologie:Prof. Dr. Jochem Kahl (Kontakt)
MA-Beauftragter Altorientalistik:
Prof. Dr. Jörg Klinger (Kontakt)
MA-Beauftragte Klassische Archäologie:
Prof. Dr. Monika Trümper (Kontakt)
MA-Beauftragter Prähistorische Archäologie:
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Schier (Kontakt)
MA-Beauftragter Vorderasiatische Archäologie:
Prof. Dr. Dominik Bonatz (Kontakt)
- Egyptology (2007 study regulations) 0270a_k120
- Egyptology (2010 study regulations) 0270b_k120
- Egyptology (2012 study regulations) 0270c_k120
- Egyptology (2023 study regulations) 0270d_k120
- Ancient Near Eastern Languages and History (2007 study regulations) 0271a_k120
- Ancient Near Eastern Languages and History (2010 study regulations) 0271b_k120
- Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (2012 study regulations) 0271c_k120
- Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (2023 study regulations) 0271d_k120
- Classical Archaeology (2007 study regulations) 0272a_k120
- Classical Archaeology (2010 study regulations) 0272b_k120
- Classical Archaeology (2012 study regulations) 0272c_k120
- Classical Archaeology (2023 study regulations) 0272d_k120
- Prehistoric Archaelogy (2007 study regulations) 0273a_k120
- Prehistoric Archaelogy (2010 study regulations) 0273b_k120
- Prehistoric Archaeology (2012 study regulations) 0273c_k120
- Prehistoric Archaeology (2023 study regulations) 0273d_k120
- Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (2007 study regulations) 0274a_k120
- Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (2010 study regulations) 0274b_k120
- Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology (2012 study regulations) 0274c_k120
- Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology (2023 study regulations) 0274d_k120
- Additional teaching offer Studies in Ancient Civil E16y
- Classical Archaeology (2007 study regulations) 0133b_m60
- Classical Archaeology (2010 study regulations) 0133c_m60
- Classical Archaeology (2012 study regulations) 0133d_m60
- Classical Archaeology (2023 study regulations) 0133e_m60
- Ancient Near Eastern Languages and History (2007 study regulations) 0135b_m60
- Ancient Near Eastern Languages and History (2010 study regulations) 0135c_m60
- Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (2012 study regulations) 0135d_m60
- Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (2023 study regulations) 0135e_m60
- Egyptology (2007 study regulations) 0137b_m60
- Egyptology (2010 study regulations) 0137c_m60
- Egyptology (2012 study regulations) 0137d_m60
- Egyptology (2023 study regulations) 0137e_m60
- Prehistoric Archaelogy (2007 study regulations) 0141b_m60
- Prehistoric Archaelogy (2010 study regulations) 0141c_m60
- Prehistorical Archaelogy (2012 study regulations) 0141d_m60
- Prehistorical Archaelogy (2023 study regulations) 0141e_m60
- Classical Archaeology (2007 study regulations) 0134b_m30
- Classical Archaeology (2010 study regulations) 0134c_m30
- Classical Archaeology (2012 study regulations) 0134d_m30
- Classical Archaeology (2023 study regulations) 0134e_m30
- Ancient Near Eastern Languages and History (2007 study regulations) 0136b_m30
- Ancient Near Eastern Languages and History (2010 study regulations) 0136c_m30
- Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (2015 study regulations) 0136d_m30
- Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (2023 study regulations) 0136e_m30
- Egyptology (2007 study regulations) 0138b_m30
- Egyptology (2010 study regulations) 0138c_m30
- Egyptology (2012 study regulations) 0138d_m30
- Egyptology (2023 study regulations) 0138e_m30
- Egyptian Archaeology (2007 study regulations) 0139b_m30
- Egyptian Archaeology (2010 study regulations) 0139c_m30
- Egyptian Archaeology (2012 study regulations) 0139d_m30
- Egyptian Archaeology (2023 study regulations) 0139e_m30
- Egyptian Philology (2007 study regulations) 0140b_m30
- Egyptian Philology (2010 study regulations) 0140c_m30
- Egyptian Language and Literature (2012 study regulations) 0140d_m30
- Egyptian Language and Literature (2023 study regulations) 0140e_m30
- Prehistoric Archaelogy (2007 study regulations) 0142b_m30
- Prehistoric Archaelogy (2010 study regulations) 0142c_m30
- Prehistorical Archaelogy (2012 study regulations) 0142d_m30
- Prehistorical Archaelogy (2023 study regulations) 0142e_m30
- Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (2007 study regulations) 0144b_m30
- Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (2010 study regulations) 0144c_m30
- Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology (2012 study r 0144d_m30
- Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology (2012 study regulations) 0144e_m30
- Religious Studies 0143c_m30
- 60 cp Religious Studies (2015 study regulations) 0143d_m30
- 60 cp Religious Studies (2023 study regulations) 0143e_m30
- Religious Studies 0360a_m60
- 60 cp Religious Studies (2015 study regulations) 0360b_m60
- 60 cp Religious Studies (2023 study regulations) 0360c_m60
- Additional teaching offer BA in Study of Religion E166t
- Near Eastern Civilisations - Ancient Near Eastern Languages and History (2008 study regulations) 0333a_MA120
- Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Civilisations (2010 study regulations) 0333b_MA120
- M.A. History and Cultures of the Ancient Near East (Focus: Cuneiform Studies) (2013 study regulations) 0333c_MA120
- M.A. History and Cultures of the Ancient Near East (Focus: Cuneiform Studies) (2024 study regulations) 0333d_MA120
- History of Cultures of the Ancient Near East (Focus: Archaeology) 0343a_MA120
- History of Cultures of the Ancient Near East (Focus: Archaeology) 0343b_MA120
- M.A. History of Cultures of the Ancient Near East (Focus: Archaeology) (2013 study regulations) 0343c_MA120
- M.A. History of Cultures of the Ancient Near East (Focus: Archaeology) (2024 study regulations) 0343d_MA120
- Addit.teaching offer Ancient Near Eastern Civilis. E16v
WANA/ Diaspora (WE 4)
Deputy Academic Advisor Arabic Studies (MA):
Victoria Mummelthei (contact)
For the latest information on introductory dates, please visit:
- Arabic Studies (2008 study regulations) 0275a_k120
- Arabic Studies (2009 study regulations) 0275b_k120
- Arabic Studies (2014 study regulations) 0275c_k120
- Arabic Studies (2016 study regulations) 0275d_k120
- Arabic Studies (2018 study regulations) 0275e_k120
- Iranian Studies (2008 study regulations) 0277a_k120
- Iranian Studies (2009 study regulations) 0277b_k120
- Iranian Studies (2014 study regulations) 0277c_k120
- Iranian Studies (2016 study regulations) 0277d_k120
- Iranian Studies (2018 study regulations) 0277e_k120
- Islamic Studies (2008 study regulations) 0278a_k120
- Islamic Studies (2009 study regulations) 0278b_k120
- Islamic Studies (2014 study regulations) 0278c_k120
- Islamic Studies (2016 study regulations) 0278d_k120
- Islamic Studies (2018 study regulations) 0278e_k120
- Turkic Studies (2008 study regulations) 0279a_k120
- Turkic Studies (2009 study regulations) 0279b_k120
- Turkic Studies (2014 study regulations) 0279c_k120
- Turkic Studies (2016 study regulations) 0279d_k120
- Turcology (2018 study regulations) 0279e_k120
- Semitic Studies (2008 study regulations) 0299a_k120
- Semitic Studies (2009 study regulations) 0299b_k120
- Semitic Studies (2014 study regulations) 0299c_k120
- Semitic Studies (2016 study regulations) 0299d_k120
- Semitic Studies (2018 study regulations) 0299e_k120
- additional:History and Cultures of the Middle East E16o
- History and Cultures of the Middle East (30 cp, 2008 study regulations) 0127b_m30
- History and Cultures of the Middle East (30 cp, 2010 study regulations) 0127c_m30
- History and Cultures of the Middle East (30 cp, 2014 study regulations) 0127d_m30
- History and Cultures of the Middle East (30 cp, 2016 study regulations) 0127e_m30
- 30 cp History and Cultures of the Middle East (2018 study regulations) 0127f_m30
- 60 cp Jewish Studies 0112b_m60
- 60 cp Jewish Studies (2012 study regulations) 0112c_m60
- 30 cp Hebrew 0113b_m30
- 30 cp Hebrew (2012 study regulations) 0113c_m30
- 30 cp Jewish History 0292a_m30
- 30 cp Jewish History (2012 study regulations) 0292b_m30
- B.A. in Jewish Studies 0297a_k120
- B.A. Jewish Studies (2012 study regulations) 0297b_k120
- Additional teaching offer - BA Jewish Studies E16u
- Islamic Studies (2008 study regulations) 0331a_MA120
- Islamic Studies (2010 study regulations) 0331b_MA120
- Islamic Studies (2012 study regulations) 0331c_MA120
- M.A. Islamic and Middle East Studies (2015 study regulations) 0331d_MA120
- M.A. Islamic and Middle East Studies (2020 study regulations) 0331e_MA120
- Additional teaching offer Islamic Studies E166i
Jewish Studies
For the latest information on introductory dates, please visit:
- Judaism in Hellenistic-Roman and Islamic-Christian Context (2009 study regulations) 0355a_MA120
- Judaism in Hellenistic-Roman and Islamic-Christian Context (2014 study regulations) 0355b_MA120
- Modern Judaism and Holocaust Studies (2009 study regulations) 0356a_MA120
- Modern Judaism and Holocaust Studies (2009 study regulations) 0356b_MA120
East Asia (WE 5 )
- B.A. in Japanese Studies (2009 study regulations) 0124b_k120
- B.A. Japanese Studies (2012 study regulations) 0124c_k120
- B.A. Japanese Studies (2023 study regulations) 0124d_k120
- 60 cp Japanese Studies (2009 study regulations) 0147b_m60
- 60 cp Japanese Studies (2012 study regulations) 0147c_m60
- 60 cp Japanese Studies (2023 study regulations) 0147d_m60
- 30 cp Japanese Studies (2009 study regulations) 0148b_m30
- 30 cp Japanese Studies (2012 study regulations) 0148c_m30
- 30 cp Japanese Studies (2023 study regulations) 0148d_m30
- 30 cp Japanese (2009 study regulations) 0149b_m30
- 30 cp Japanese (2012 study regulations) 0149c_m30
- 30 cp Japanese (2023 study regulations) 0149d_m30
- B.A. Integrated Japanese Studies (2012 study regulations) 0385a_k180
- B.A. Integrated Japanese Studies (2023 study regulations) 0385b_k180
- Additional teaching offer BA Japanese Studies E16zc
- Japanese Studies (2008 study regulations) 0326a_MA120
- M.A. Japanese Studies (2012 study regulations) 0326b_MA120
- M.A. Japanese Studies (2024 study regulations) 0326c_MA120
- M.A. Integrated Japanese Studies (2015 study regulations) 0484a_MA60
- Integrierte Japanstudien 0484b_MA60
- Additional teaching offer MA Japanese Studies E16n
- B.A. in Korean Studies (2005 study regulations) 0122a_k120
- B.A. in Korean Studies (2010 study regulations) 0122b_k120
- B.A. in Korean Studies (2011 study regulations) 0122c_k120
- B.A. Korean Studies (2012 study regulations) 0122d_k120
- B.A. Korean Studies (2023 study regulations) 0122e_k120
- 60 cp Korean Studies (2009 study regulations) 0150b_m60
- 60 cp Korean Studies (2011 study regulations) 0150c_m60
- 60 cp Korean Studies (2012 study regulations) 0150d_m60
- 60 cp Korean Studies (2023 study regulations) 0150e_m60
- 30 cp Korean Studies (2009 study regulations) 0151b_m30
- 30 cp Korean Studies (2011 study regulations) 0151c_m30
- 30 cp Korean Studies (2012 study regulations) 0151d_m30
- 30 cp Korean Studies (2023 study regulations) 0151e_m30
- 30 cp Korean (2009 study regulations) 0152b_m30
- 30 cp Korean (2011 study regulations) 0152c_m30
- 30 cp Korean (2012 study regulations) 0152d_m30
- 30 cp Korean (2023 study regulations) 0152e_m30
- B.A. Integrated Korean Studies (2012 study regulations) 0395a_k180
- B.A. Integrated Korean Studies (2023 study regulations) 0395b_k180
- Additional teaching offer BA Korean Studies E16m
- Korean Studies 0357a_MA120
- M.A. Korean Studies (2015 study regulations) 0357b_MA120
- M.A. Korean Studies (2024 study regulations) 0357c_MA120
- M.A. Integrated Korean Studies (2015 study regulations) 0481a_MA60
- M.A. Integrated Korean Studies (2024 study regulations) 0481b_MA60
- Additional teaching offer MA Korean Studies E166o
- B.A. in Chinese Studies 0128a_k120
- Chinese Studies (2013 study regulations) 0128b_k120
- B.A. Chinese Studies (2018 study regulations) 0128c_k120
- 60 cp Chinese Studies 0129a_m60
- Chinese Studies (60cp) (2013 study regulations) 0129b_m60
- 60 cp Chinese Studies (2018 study regulations) 0129c_m60
- 30 cp Chinese Studies 0130a_m30
- Chinese Studies (30cp) (2013 study regulations) 0130b_m30
- 30 cp Chinese Studies (2018 study regulations) 0130c_m30
- 30 cp Chinese 0131a_m30
- Chinese (30cp) 2013 study regulations) 0131b_m30
- 30 cp Chinese Language (2018 study regulations) 0131c_m30
- B.A. Integrated Chinese Studies (2016 study regulations) 0485a_k180
- B.A. Integrated Chinese Studies (2018 study regulations) 0485b_k180
- B.A. Integrated Chinese Studies (2023 study regulations) 0485c_k190
- Additional teaching offer BA Chinese Studies E16r
- B.A. Chinese Language and Society (2021 study regulatons) 0594a_k90
- B.A. Chinese Language and Society (2022 study regulatons) 0594b_k90
- 60cp Chinese Language and Society (2021 study regulatons) 0595a_m60
- 60 cp Chinese Language and Society (2022 study regulatons) 0595b_m60
- Additional teaching offer Chinesische Sprache und Gesellschaft E166p
Catholic Theology
Institute for the Scientific Study of Religion
BA- und MA-Beauftragte:
Prof. Dr. Susanne Gödde (Kontakt)
For the latest information on introductory dates, please visit:
General Professional Skills for the Department of History and Culture Studies
Interdisciplinary and/or Inter-Institutional master's degree programs
Academic Advisors Interdisciplinary Studies of the Middle East (MA):
Prof. Dr. Lukas Mühlethalter/ Dr. Victoria Mummelthei (Contact)
Inter- and Transdisciplinary Area / Complementary Modules for the Master's Programmes
Doctoral Studies (Department of History and Cultural Studies)
Doctoral Studies (Department of History and Cultural Studies)
Aller Anfang ist leicht!
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Ausgelaufene Studienangebote
Das 60-LP-Modulangebot Ethik wird seit dem WiSe 2015/16 nicht mehr angeboten. Studierende, die noch Leistungen im Modulangebot Ethik erbringen müssen, wenden sich bitte direkt an das Institut für Philosophie
Zum Ende des Sommersemesters 2022 (30.09.2022) wird das Lehrangebot der Katholischen Theologie eingestellt. Studierende haben dann keine Möglichkeit mehr, Leistungen in diesem Studienfach an der FU Berlin zu erbringen. close