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Mama/Papa cum laude. Über Kinder und Karriere in der Wissenschaft

Junges Wissenschaftsforum Dahlem on January 25, 2017, 5.30pm-7.30pm

On January 25, the event "Mama/Papa cum laude. Über Kinder und Karriere in der Wissenschaft" will take place at the Topoi-Haus of Freie Universität Berlin (Hittorfstraße 18, 14195 Berlin). Maintaining a work-family balance can be a challenge for academics: A university career requires utmost dedication, particularly for junior researchers on the way towards a professorship. Junges Wissenschaftsforum Dahlem will present different perspectives on the topic and facilitate a discussion with representatives of Freie Universität, Charité and the Helmholtz Assocation. All interested junior researchers and researchers are very welcome to attend.

Child care will of course be available on the evening.

Please see the flyer (in German) for further information and registration.