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Open Stacks for Journals

Open Stacks for Journals
Image Credit: Petra Kende

The Freie Universität Berlin libraries' journal holdings are listed on the library portal Primo.

It is important to note that most, but not all, available journal articles are listed as such in the Primo database and can be searched by the title of the article. The reason why some article titles are not included is that the data concerning journal articles, book chapters and newspaper articles is provided by external providers (JSTOR, Scopus, Web of Science, Springerlink, etc.) and does not cover 100 percent of the Freie Universität Berlin libraries' holdings (see: databases).

Journal Stacks

At the Open Journal Stacks of the Central Library (Zeitschriftenfreihandmagazin, ZFM - 2nd floor via Reading Room) you find journals in print which are held continuously. The current numbers are shelved with the respective journals. These are not available for loan. QR codes point to online versions if applicable.

Bound volumes held by the Central Library can be requested from the closed stacks, the open journal stacks (Zeitschriftenfreihandmagazin, ZFM) or the remote stacks; with few exceptions they can be taken out on loan. The loan period is four weeks; renewals are possible – with the exeption of loans from Open Journal Stacks.

Newspapers and Magazines

The shelves containing newspapers and magazines, such as Spiegel, Bild der Wissenschaft, Spektrum der Wissenschaft, and so forth, are located in a special section of the reading room. A large collection of newspapers and magazines is also available in the Social Sciences Reading Room at the Library for Social Sciences and East European Studies.

Be sure to include the licensed and free archives on newspapers and magazines available in the database portal Datenbankinfosystem (DBIS) in your search for sources.


Also, remember the wide range of available e-journals.

For many journals, subscriptions have already been shifted from print to electronic fromat. If a journal is available in both print and electronic format, the shelf where the printed volumes are placed is marked with a QR code or a sign that draws attention to the electronic version.

In the case of resources that are subject to license, full texts can be accessed through the University network only.