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Press and Communication

We provide the media and the public with information about the latest research projects and findings at Freie Universität Berlin; about current developments, achievements, and funding success stories; as well as about public events and important partnerships and joint projects. We also support researchers in their communication with the press and act as a point of contact for media inquiries, which includes granting permits for filming and photography.

Press Releases

We publish around 300 press releases per year, a third of which are translated into English.

Media Inquiries

We coordinate inquiries on all the latest university developments.

Photography and Filming Permits

We act as the point of contact for any media or film crews.


Press and Communication team
Freie Universität Berlin
Kaiserswerther Str. 16-18
14195 Berlin

Carsten Wette

Head of Press and Communication, Coordination of press inquiries; press releases, filming and photo permits

+49 30 838 731 89

Christine Xuân Müller

Press and media specialist, Coordination of press releases; press inquiries, filming and photo permits

+49 30 838 500 17

Jonas Krumbein

Press and media specialist, Areas of expertise: Berlin University Alliance, Excellence competition, press releases

+49 30 838 617 83

Friederike Kranke

Communications specialist, Internal communication

+49 30 838 668 26

Yvonne Holzheu

Administrative support, Bookkeeping, acquisitions, invoicing, HR matters

+49 30 838 598 36