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Prof. Dr. Verónica Schild

Die kanadische Politikwissenschaftlerin Verónica Schild

Die kanadische Politikwissenschaftlerin Verónica Schild.
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First-time incumbent of the International Network Professorship is Canadian political scientist Prof. Dr. Verónica Schild, who teaches and does research at Western University London, Ontario, Canada. An expert on Latin America, her foci include processes of democratization, contemporary political theory, and theory of the state with particular regard to aspects of gender.

Verónica Schild is one of the leading experts in comparative Latin American studies. Her contributions to feministic globalization studies make her an important cooperation partner in the internationally oriented gender studies and gender equality projects at Freie Universität Berlin.

In addition to her inaugural lecture, Verónica Schild held a colloquium for doctoral candidates as well as a block-seminar on her current research topic “Latin American Feminism and the Configuration of the State.”