European Commission
Horizon Europe
- Information on research data management and open science practices must be included in the proposal.
- A data management plan must be submitted within six months after the start of the project; A DMP can be therefore planned as a deliverable of one work package.
- Research outputs should be managed in line with FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable).
- If possible, research data should be published in a suitable open access repository (principle “as open as possible, as closed as necessary”).
- Costs for the open access publication of data are eligible for funding.
- Model Grant Agreement (PDF) (version 1.2, April 4, 2024) provides current requirements for research data management, p. 93.
- Programme Guide (PDF) (version 4.0., Octorber 15, 2023) includes detailed guide on how to prepare a proposal, description of open science practices (including research data management) and useful resources, p. 40–56.
- Annotated Model Grant Agreement (PDF) (version 1.0, May 1, 2023), Section 7 addresses key requirements (creating a data management plan, publishing the data in a suitable repository, validation, metadata) and how they are met, p. 375–378.
- Example Application Form (PDF) (version 8.0, April 4, 2024), Section 1.2 Methodology is particularly relevant (Part B – page 9 of 23); max. one page of the proposal should address research data management.
- Data Management Plan Template (DOCX) (version 1.1, April 4, 2022).
- Webseite OpenAIRE[1] Guide RDM in Horizon Europe Proposals (last updated: June 13, 2022) lists which information is mandatory on proposals and which additional information is recommended.
[1] OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) is a pan-European infrastructure for promoting open scientific publishing (
European Research Council (ERC)
- The Horizon Europe requirements outlined above also apply to ERC grants.
- Open Research Data and Data Management Plans (PDF) (version 4.1, April 20, 2022), from the European Research Council / Scientific Council of the European Commission, summarises research data management requirements and provides an overview of the sections required in the data management plan.
ERC Data Management Plan Template (DOCX) (April 1, 2021)