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What is the structure of the survey?

The survey includes questions on the following subjects:

  • Information on the student and study program
  • Preconditions for studies: reasons for choosing the study program, information, educational path
  • Study behavior and study experiences
  • Social environment within the study program
  • Instructor-student relations
  • Difficulties with studying
  • Academic achievements and grades
  • Participation in a mentoring program
  • Life situation during your studies
  • Reasons for withdrawal / dropout
  • Current activities and future plans

In addition, the survey also includes open-ended questions at points in order to give survey participants a chance to provide information beyond the standardized response options or to comment further on aspects such as their need for support.

The content of the survey was coordinated with the university management, the departments and central institutes, and the bodies representing the interests of various groups at Freie Universität Berlin (staff council for the entire university, chief gender equality officer, data protection officer).