Knowledge – Practice
Under the heading “Knowledge – Practice” two formats will be implemented in order to create a discussion forum for representatives of the various disciplines contributing to the Center and experts and practitioners from non-university institutions.
An annual workshop sponsored by the BMBF will be held to bring together scholars with experts and practitioners from the arts, media, and politics. These workshops are intended as a forum for the presentation of the Center’s research results to specialists in the cultural field. They are also meant to generate feedback for the Center’s researchers with regard to current trends in and transformations of the cultural field that have not yet become canonized and are still in flux.
Former Workshops:
Winter term 2011/2012:
Winter term 2010/2011
In order to intensify collaboration with non-university institutions, the Center will set up networking structures to ensure systematic cooperation beyond the occasions of the planned thematic events.
Once a year, representatives of all collaborating institutions as well as prospective partners will be invited to an informal exchange of ideas. These meetings will serve to initiate agreements on concrete collaborative projects for the following months and to identify common medium-term interests. This will include in particular the exchange of information regarding the planned programs of theaters, opera houses, museums, and other institutions involved at an early stage.
Another issue will be the considerable number of fellows who regularly join DHC’s non-university partner institutions (e.g., American Academy, Centre Marc Bloch, Zentrum für Literaturforschung, Einstein Forum Potsdam, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, etc.) for periods lasting from several weeks up to a year. The Center aims at initiating and intensifying contacts between these fellows and university members and at enhancing the value of the stay in Berlin for these fellows.