Language and Society
The Interdisciplinary Centre European Languages is engaged in this focus area.
- Interdisciplinary Centre European Languages
- Institute of Chinese Studies
- Languages of Emotion (2007–2014)
- GRK 2638: Normativität, Kritik, Wandel (since 2021)
- Institute for Latin American Studies (since 1970)
July 1-2, 2024, Workshop: Kommunikation zwischen Kritischer Theorie und Existenzphilosophie - Ein Workshop zu Theunissen, GRK 2638 Normativität, Kritik, Wandel
- June 12, 2024, Workshop: Pop-up Theory: Intellectual Encounters Between East and West, EXC 2020 Temporal Communities, Peter Szondi-Institut
- June 11, 2024, Talk: Lieke van Maastricht (Radboud University): Exploring the factors underlying L2 prosody acquisition: The role of learning direction and the interplay of prosodic cues, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum europäische Sprachen
- May 3, 2024, Workshop: Decentering Hegel. Intercultural Perspectives on his Legacy, GRK 2638: Normativität, Kritik, Wandel
- April 19-20, 2024, Symposium: Philosophie und Philologie. Denken in Edition, Translation und Kritik, EXC 2020 “Temporal Communities”
- March 11, 2024, Hybrid Talk: 文明化 – Wenminghua: Die chinesische Vision von der umfassenden Modernisierung der Gesellschaft, Insitut für Chinastudien
- February 29–April 25, 2024: Exhibition: Als Kaufmann in Shanghai, 1906–1952. Hermann W. Breuer, 1884–1973, Institut für Chinastudien
- January 29, 2024, Lecture Series: China und Russland: Alternative Skripte?, Institut für Chinastudien
- January 25, 2024, Lecture series: Living with Digital Surveillance in China: Citizens’ Narratives on Technology, Privacy, and Governance, Institut für Chinastudien
- January 18, 2024, Lecture series: Governing Big Data: The Evolution of Policy Focus and Governance Structures in China, Institut für Chinastudien
- January 16, 2024, Vortrag: Crónicas de un arresto anunciado: Antecedentes históricos del caso Pinochet y las relaciones chileno-británicas, Lateinamerika-Institut
- January 11, 2024, Lecture: Temporalities of Migration at the US-Mexico Border. Ethnographic Narratives and Literary Approaches, Lateinamerika-Institut
- January 11, 2024, Lecture series: Digital Control and Emotions Under Autocracy, Institut für Chinastudien
- January 9, 2024, Lecture: Die Westberliner Lateinamerikastudien während des Kalten Krieges, Lateinamerika-Institut
- January 1, 2024, Lecture: Politics of Science: The Rockefeller Foundation fellowship program and the emergency of a scientific elite for the ‘peripheral’ world, 1917-1970, Lateinamerika-Institut
- December 8, 2022, Lecture Series: Der Streit ums richtige Sprechen. Sprachliche Normen in der Diskussion (Prof. Dr. Matthias Hüning), GRK 2638 "Normativität, Kritik, Wandel"
- October 26–28 2022, Workshop: Latin America and East-Central Europe: Comparisons, Bridges, Entanglements, Exzellencluster Temporal Communities
- June 30, Lecture: Naturalisation of the Foreign, Exzellencluster Temporal Communities
- May 24, 2022, Research seminar: China’s Social Credit Systems: Myth, Reality, and Discourse, Institut für Chinastudien
- April 29, 2022, Lecture: Laboratoire d’Histoire des théories linguistiques: “Missionary linguistic documentation and early modern circulation of ideas in a global perspective”, Collaborative Research Centre 980 "Episteme in Motion. Transfer of Knowledge from the Ancient World to the Early Modern Period"
- April 26, 2022, Talk: 100 Jahre Semana de Arte Moderne. Brasiliens Aufbruch in die Moderne, Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut PK und Lateinamerika-Institut
- February 3, 2022, Lecture: Workers and Change in China, Institut für Chinastudien
- December 11, 2021, Lecture: The Birth of the Century: China and the Conditions of Spatial Revolution, Institut für Chinastudien
- November 27, 2021, Lecture: COVID-19 and Good Global Governance, Institut für Chinastudien
- May 11–14, 2020, Online-Workshop: Einführung in das konsekutive Dolmetschen Chinesisch-Deutsch, Sinologie und Chinastudien
- February 10–13, 2020, Workshop: Chinesisch – Fachsprache Recht unter der Leitung von Dr. Jiagu Richter
- January 28, 2020, Dahlem Lectures in Linguistics: Gijsbert Rutten: Language planning and nation building in the Netherlands, iZEUS
- January 14, 2020, Dahlem Lectures in Linguistics: Jörg Kilian: "Daher weg mit diesen Abstraktionen." Herrmann Pauls Sprachtheorie und die moderne Linguistik, iZEUS
- November 29–30, 2019, Symposium Endangered languages in Northern Asia, Institute for Turcology
- November 26, 2019, Workshop: Chinesische Schriftzeichen: Kommunikationsmittel und Kunstform 汉字: 沟通与审美, Sinologie und Chinastudien
- October 11, 2019, Podiumsdiskussion: WTF! – Das queere und feministische Potenzial des Skandals, Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule für literaturwissenschaftliche Studien
- October 11–12, 2019, Jahrestagung: Eskalation! Skandal in der Literatur und den Künsten, Friedrich Schlegel Graduiertenschule für literaturwissenschaftliche Studien
- June 17, 2019, Lecture by Prof. Gábor Zólyomi: The so-called “Reform Texts” of Urukagina: What’s wrong with making the “side” “follow” the ruler’s household and fields? Collaborative Research Centre 980 "Episteme in Motion. Transfer of Knowledge from the Ancient World to the Early Modern Period"
- June 7, 2019, Lecture by Prof. Natalia Filatkina: Übersetzungskulturen und sprachliche Dynamiken der Verständigung im Spiegel frühneuzeitlicher Sprachlehrbücher, Collaborative Research Centre 980 "Episteme in Motion. Transfer of Knowledge from the Ancient World to the Early Modern Period"
- April 15–16, 2019, International Workshop: Asymmetries of Knowledge, Collaborative Research Centre 980 "Episteme in Motion. Transfer of Knowledge from the Ancient World to the Early Modern Period"
- February 13, 2019, Lecture: Gesprächsreihe "Wer Wen": Geteilte Gefühle – gebrochenes Deutsch?, CRC 1171 "Affective Societies: Dynamics of social coexistence in mobile worlds"
- January 23, 2019, Lecture Prof. Mirko Tavosanis (Università di Pisa): L'italiano e l'intelligenza artificiale, Center for Italian Studies
- January 16–18, 2019: Is dies de su sardu | Tage der sardischen Sprache, Interdisciplinary Centre European Languages, Sardisches Kulturzentrum Berlin
- January 10, 2019, Lecture: Little Italy in "Vita" di Melania Mazzucco, Center for Italian Studies
- October 25–27, 2018, Workshop: Wissen en miniature - Theorie und Epistemologie der Anekdote, Collaborative Research Centre 980 "Episteme in Motion. Transfer of Knowledge from the Ancient World to the Early Modern Period", Project B07 "Die Anekdote als Medium des Wissenstransfers"
- June 25, 2018, Studientag: Rhetorik, Gender & Institution: Perspektiven auf Diversität an der Universität, Studientag des rhetorikgeschichtlichen Teilprojekts “Erotema. Die Frage als epistemische Gattung im Kontext der französischen Sozietätsbewegung des 17. und frühen 18. Jahrhunderts” (Leitung: Prof. Dr. A. Traninger)
- May 17–19, 2018, Conference: "Beyond Metrical Prosody. New Rythms in US and German (Post-) Modern Poetry", Project Rhythmicalizer. A Digital Tool to Identify Free Verse Prosody
- Summer Semester 2017, Lecture Series: Sprache und Gesellschaft, Interdisciplinary Centre European Languages
- Summer Semester 2017, Lecture Series: Allgemeine Literaturwissenschaft und jüdische Wissenskulturen
- June 9–11, 2017, Studierendenkongress Komparatistik, Peter Szondi Institute of Comparative Literature
- April 27–29, 2017, Conference: Public Spheres of Resonance: Constellations of Affect and Language, Collaborative Research Centre 1171 "Affective Societies“
- September 30–October 01, 2016, International Workshop:The Sociolinguistic Economy of Berlin, Institute for English Language and Literature