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Study and Research

Internationale Studierende auf dem Campus der FU Berlin

Internationale Studierende auf dem Campus der FU Berlin
Image Credit: Peter Himsel

Freie Universität Berlin has been recognized as a German University of Excellence and continues in this tradition of excellence now as part of the Berlin University Alliance (Link). The university is known for its wide range of degree programs and the outstanding research opportunities it has to offer German and international researchers. If you are interested in studying at Freie Universität Berlin or conducting research here for a certain period of time, use the following links to find specific information to help with your planning.


Degree programs at Freie Universität Berlin

Studying at Freie Universität Berlin

  • International students
    Information on degree programs, application and admissions, as well as practical tips on entering the country, financial questions, and study abroad.

Research at Freie Universität Berlin

General information on Freie Universität Berlin