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“At the crossroads of global research!” - Tackling SDG6: Clean water and sanitation (EN)

News from Jun 14, 2021

17.06.2021 | 15:00 - 16:30
Registration by June 16 required

Freie Universität Berlin maintains a worldwide network of liaison offices. With their regional expertise and local networks, the 5 liaison offices (Beijing, Cairo, Moscow, New Delhi and São Paulo) provide support in establishing and supporting collaborations with scholars from their respective regions and FU Berlin. The idea of this new web talk series “At the crossroads of global research” is to create a platform for scholars and the public to discuss common experiences, best practices to examine possible channels of cooperation and to initiate a successful collaboration between the participating scholars and institutions with Freie Universität being the nucleus of such a collaboration.

The first edition of the FU Berlin Liaison office web talk series will take place during its international week on Thursday, 17th June 2021 at 3 pm CET and will focus on water which is fundamentally regarded as an essential resource as well as a basic human right. Bio-physical environment, society, economy, technology, and, effectively, human rights are inseparable dimensions of water starting at the scale of an individual to the global.

If you are interested to find out more about the UN Sustainable Development Goal Number 6 targets and the respective perspectives of experts from the Liaison office regions, make sure to join us and register here by June 16. We are looking forward to meeting you online at this enriching discussion!

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