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Meeting in Berlin expands new academic cooperation between Freie Universität Berlin and IIT Bombay

News from Aug 16, 2017

In order to expand and strengthen linkages between scientists from Freie Universität Berlin and IIT Bombay, ten Indo-German research partners met in Berlin recently to advance their collaborative work in a variety of academic fields. The cooperation is part of the program "Indo-German Partnerships in Higher Education" and focuses on three broad fields: natural sciences, social sciences and administration. Dr. Renate Dieterich, Head of Section, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) emphasized the diversity of the projects, which concern topics from chemistry, physics and informatics to environmental as well as gender studies. During the kick-off meeting in Berlin, Dr. Herbert Grieshop, Director of the Center for International Cooperation at Freie Universität, stressed the importance of academic exchange for Indo-German relations. He praised the fact that the exchange programs deliberately set minimal guidelines. “This enables great scientific freedoms. Each team can decide how they want to shape the cooperation,” said Grieshop. The DAAD and the Indian University Grants Commission (UGC) are funding this program, which is intended to deepen the academic cooperation between both countries. As part of this initiative, Freie Universität Berlin is collaborating with two of India’s most renowned universities, namely, the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay and Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi. The grant extends over a period of four years and will also involve doctoral as well as master students from both sides. Usually, the scientists meet twice a year, alternating in Germany and India. The next events under this program are planned for the end of August 2017 at the Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi.

An article has been published in campus.leben on the event in German. Please read the artical here

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