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About Freie Universität Berlin



Freie Universität Berlin is a young, dynamic university. In 2019, it defended its status as a University of Excellence, now within the framework of the Berlin University Alliance. In order to be awarded with this prestigious status, participating universities had to be accepted for funding of so called clusters of excellence . In October 2018, the Excellence Council granted funding to seven clusters of excellence, some of which are situated at Freie Universität, others at the alliance partner institutions.

Freie Universität has been focusing on international topics since its founding in 1948. It has been expanding its worldwide network ever since. The university now has over 100 international partnerships and 7 liaison offices on four different continents. The university itself is located in Berlin-Dahlem, an area with a rich academic and scientific history where Nobel Prize winners like Albert Einstein and Otto Hahn did research. Today, Freie Universität is home to researchers working with partners from a variety of sectors (science, business, politics, social affairs) on regional, national, and international levels.

Freie Universität combines its competences in on the top level of research. Currently, researchers from various disciplines are working on five transdisciplinary focus areas that all deal with different social, political, economic or technical issues. The clusters of excellence and other partnerships and consortia provide a strong framework for developing projects in promising research fields. Freie Universität also strives to maintain a broad spectrum of research fields and educational opportunities. The university offers over 150 degree programs in almost every subject, making it what Germans call a “Volluniversität” (complete university). The range of subject in the humanities and social sciences alone cannot be found anywhere else in Germany.

Freie Universität supports early career researchers in particular. The Dahlem Research School is developing and coordinating excellent graduate degree programs. Doctoral candidates from these programs gain a first-rate education in these structured programs that include additional training opportunities designed to prepare them for leadership positions later in their careers.

Freie Universität Berlin’s website provides extensive information about the following topics:

Research at Freie Universität Berlin

Degree programs at Freie Universität Berlin

Studying at Freie Universität Berlin

  • International students
    Information on degree programs, application and admissions, as well as practical tips on entering the country, financial questions, and study abroad.
  • International website
    Extensive information for prospective and current students from abroad as well as international researchers.

General information on Freie Universität Berlin