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Indian Doctoral Students

NOTICE: This website is about funding opportunities for your doctorate. To obtain general information about doing your doctorate at Freie Universität, please refer to this website.

Partnerships (MoU's)

Freie Universität has singed partnership agreements (Memorandum of Understanding - MoU)  with Delhi University, IIT Madras and the University of Hyderabad about the exchange of graduate (students enrolled in Master's programs) and doctoral students. With a grant, a stay of 1-2 semesters can be funded. Please consider that beginning and end of the academic year in Berlin and India differ. For detailed information (deadlines, application procedure and grant amount), we kindly ask Indian graduate and doctoral students to get in touch with their university's international office.

PhD Full-Time Scholarship for an Individual Doctorate

Graduates from all disciplines may apply for a DAAD full-time stipend to pursue their doctorate at Freie Universität. Application deadline is October 1. Further information can be obtained here.

PhD Sandwich Scholarship for an Individual Doctorate

PhD students at an Indian higher education institution or a research institution can pursue part of their research in Germany under the supervision of a German professor. The doctoral degree will still be awarded by their home institution. Application deadline is October 1. Further information can be obtained here.

Scholarship for a Structured Doctoral Program at the DRS

Within the framework of the Structured Doctoral Programs at the Dahlem Research School (DRS) of Freie Universität, numerous calls for PhD scholarships are published every year. Further information can be obtained from our PhD Gateway and on the DRS website.

Small Equipment Program

1-Year scholarship holders from the fields of engineering, technology, natural sciences, as well as agricultural sciences and forestry can apply for equipment and material funds. For more information, please click here