FUB - CSC Postdoctoral Research Positions 2017
All open postdoc positions for starting in Summer 2017 are listed below. Please submit your complete application to the Beijing Office of Freie Universtät Berlin by November 6, 2016 with all the documents required on our website in the section "about the application process."
Natural Sciences |
Department / Institute |
Subject Area |
Academic Fields |
Name of Prof. / Research Group Leader |
Biology | Microbial Ecology | ecology, evolution, mycology, bioinformatics, genomics, modeling, strong ecology background | Prof. Dr. Matthias C. RILLIG (Mr.) |
Biology | Evolutionary Biology | evolutionary biology, microbiology, entomology, insect immunology, bioinformatics | Prof. Dr. Jens ROLFF (Mr.) |
Biology | Plant Molecular Biology | biology, molecular plant biology | Prof. Dr. Thomas SCHMÜLLING (Mr.) |
Biology | Plant Molecular Biology, Epigenetics, Stress Physiology | plant molecular biology, epigenetics, plant development, stress physiology | Prof. Dr. Daniel SCHUBERT (Mr.) |
Chemistry | Quantum Chemistry, Matrix-Isolation Spectroscopy | chemistry, physics | Prof. Dr. Sebastian HASENSTAB-RIEDEL (Mr.) |
Pharmacy | Drug Delivery or Tissue Engineering | pharmaceutical sciences or medical field (dermatology) | Prof. Dr. Sarah HEDTRICH (Ms.) |
Physics | Solid State Physics/Magnetism | physics or related discplines (e.g. surface science, thin-film magnetism) | Prof. Dr. Wolfgang KUCH (Mr.) |
Mathematics | Medical Bioinformatics | bioinformatics, computational biology, mathematics, computer science, physics | Prof. Dr. Rosario M. PIRO (Mr.) |