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Apply now for a new ERASMUS MUNDUS Scholarship!

Freie Universität Berlin is part of a Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Consortium called WELCOME with nine European, six  Egyptian and four Libanese Universities and five Associate members. Scholarships are available for Egyptian and Libanese students and researchers as well as for members of Freie Universität Berlin.

News from Jan 22, 2012

WELCOME is a Consortium of Egyptian, European and Lebanese Universities financed through the European Commission's ERASMUS MUNDUS ACTION 2. It supports mobility between Europe and its neighboring countries and offers scholarship opportunities for Bachelor, Master, PhD and PostDoc candidates and Academic Staff members. The scholarships are very comprehensive and cover travel, insurance, participation costs and subsistence allowance.

The WELCOME Scholarships are designed for:

  • Bachelor and Master students, PhD students, postdocs and academic staff in one of the partner universities. Applicants must be nationals of Egypt, Lebanon or the European countries.
  • Master students, PhD students, postdocs from Egypt and Lebanon, who are registered in a higher education institution of these countries not included in the Partnership.
  • Bachelor and Master students, PhD students from Egypt and  Lebanon, who are in particularly vulnerable situations, for social or political reasons as specified by the EMA 2 Call.

The duration of mobility depends upon both the direction and academic level of mobility.

Apply online from January, 23rd to March, 31st 2012

For full details on the project including eligibility, application forms and contact details for the contact person at your university, please visit: http://www.emwelcome.polito.it

For more informations on study opportunities at Freie Universität Berlin please visit our hompage or contact Freie Universität Berlin Cairo Office


Our Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Coordinator:

Stefanie Böhler
Abt. Außenangelegenheiten · International Office
Freie Universität Berlin
Kaiserswerther Str. 16 - 18
14195 Berlin
Phone: (++49 30) 838 73 441
Fax: (++49 30) 838 73 444
E-Mail: stefanie.boehler@fu-berlin.de  

Facebook: Erasmus Mundus Fu Berlin

