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Marcos, 28, is doing his doctorate in medical anthropology at Freie Universität Berlin.


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How did the idea to do your doctorate in Germany come to your mind?

I did an exchange in Germany, in Tübingen, during my studies in social sciences. A couple of years later, I received the DAAD scholarship for the winter course in Düsseldorf. This linked my desire of continuing in Germany with a field research project that was done there.

How did you get the idea to do your doctorate at Freie Universität Berlin?

I chose the FU Berlin because of its department for medical anthropology which was ideal to place my research there.

What are your expectations for the future after graduating from Freie Universität Berlin?

To go on with a Postdoc-program.

Which problems or difficulties did you have to face and how did you manage them?

Bureaucracy, especially questions regarding the financial part of the project.

What do you like most about the life in Germany?

The safety and the simplicity of mobility, besides the enormous offer of cultural events.

What tip would you give Brazilians who are interested in doing a doctorate in Germany?

Find an ideal department to conduct your research.

Which is your favorite word in German?

Ohrwurm (earworm, song or melody that keeps repeating in one’s mind).

Interviewed by Christina Vierdt in 2016