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Bega, 26 years, is doing an internship at the Liaison Office São Paulo of Freie Universität Berlin and does her master degree in Latin American Studies at the Institute for Latin American Studies of FU Berlin.


Image Credit: DFG

The internship at the Liaison Office São Paulo of Freie Universität Berlin offers me as a student of Latin American Studies with focus on Brazil the possibility to gain an insight of the international university cooperation and the university marketing. Though, what I like about the internship are not only the fields of work and the cooperation between Brazil and Germany, but also the variety of tasks. It never gets boring and you get the opportunity to meet many different people and participate in interesting events.

In the context of the internship, I present the FU at events in Brazil and so I get a view of my university from outside. Also, I find it interesting to see what motivates Brazilians to study or research at FU Berlin and what represents Berlin as a science location.

Furthermore, the weekly part that I work in the Maria Sibylla Merian Centre Latin America enriches my internship. This international research centre is run by an international consortium under the lead of FU Berlin. For me it is of particular interest as the research focus fits exactly to my study program and to my personal study focus.

Besides that, the internship is a great chance to get to know the life and the everyday working life in one of the biggest metropolises of the world. For me, it´s not the first time in São Paulo because I did an exchange year at Universidade de São Paulo (USP) from 2013 to 2014. I´m a big fan of the city, which is on the one hand due to the fact that there is a huge offer of cultural events and many important places and institutions are located in São Paulo. On the other hand, it seems to me that every day in São Paulo is like a little adventure as often unexpected things happen and some things admittedly are quite chaotic which at the same time makes it interesting.

My favourite expression in Portuguese is “show de bola”, which means something really good and sounds funny to me.